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OBSOLETE: Using config-options only available before Bukkit 1.13 SHOULD BE UPDATED!

In various places, the uSkyBlock plugin supports the server-administrator to configure specific custom commands.

These include: * rewards on challenges (See [[Challenges]]) * extra-menu-items in the main menu (See [[Config]]) * tool-menu commands when interacting with blocks using a sapling (See [[config.yml]]) * and when creating an island (See [[config.yml]])


[{p=<prob>}] [{d=<delay>}] [op:|console:] <command>

The [] denotes optional arguments, the order IS significant, and `|ยด denotes one OR the other.

Here probability is a decimal-number between 0 and 1 - i.e. {p=0.2} will execute the command 20% of the times.

The delay is an integral number of ticks, note that 1 second is 20 ticks.

op: will execute the command as the player, but OPed.

console: will execute the command from the console.


Placeholder Meaning
{player} The name of the player
{playerName} The display name of the player (including pre and postfix, and formatting codes)
{position} The position of the player in the format world:x,y,z:yaw:pitch
{party} Will execute the command once for each member of the party, replacing {party} with the member-name


  # Regen for 10 seconds, then jump-boost for another 10
  - 'op:effect {party} 10 10'
  - '{d=200}op:effect {player} 8 10'