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How do I get a SkyGrid gameplay?

If you want to try out SkyGrid gameplay using UltimateSkyBlock, this is doable from v2.5.9 and onwards.

Installation Guide

Before you begin

You will need the following:

  1. The jar files for uSkyBlock and UltimateSkyGrid
  2. A minimal valid uSkyBlock schematic (1 chest + 1 spawn block), called mini.schematic
  3. A minimal/empty/portal schematic for uSkyBlock in nether, called netherMini.schematic
  4. A spawn world different than the skyworld.


  1. Download and install the UltimateSkyGrid plugin (
  2. Download and install UlimateSkyBlock >= v2.7.2
  3. Start server
  4. Shutdown server
  5. Edit the configuration files as described below and place the schematics under uSkyBlock/schematics.
  6. Delete skyworld and skyworld_nether worlds (this is imperative to get the SkyGrid worlds generated!)
  7. Start the server

Configuration of UltimateSkyGrid

  1. Set the AllBlocksOneWorld to false
  2. Optionally set the World_Height to something above 128 (will have a performance impact).

Configuration of uSkyBlock

  1. Edit the config.yml file in an appropriate editor (Notepad++)
  2. Locate options.general section
  3. Set spawnSize: 0
  4. Locate options.island section
  5. Set height: 65
  6. Set schematicName: mini
  7. Set chestItems: '' - No additional items to begin with (grid-playstyle)
  8. Set addExtraItems: false
  9. Set useIslandLevel: false - the /is info|level|top doesn't make sense in SkyGrid.
  10. Locate options.extras section
  11. Set sendToSpawn: true - So we can have islands form around spawn.
  12. Locate options.advanced section - IMPORTANT!
  13. Add (in one line) chunk-generator:
  14. Locate nether section
  15. Make sure enabled: true - we want the chunk-generator to be active
  16. Set schematicName: netherMini - we don't want the full nether island
  17. Set terraform-enabled: false - we don't want terraforming in nether
  18. Add chunk-generator:
  19. Set spawn-chances.enabled: false - No additional spawning on netherbricks

Start the server again, and you should get a SkyGrid play-style controlled by uSkyBlock.

Further Configuration

If you want to include entitites from Bukkit 1.8+, edit the UltimateSkyGrid configurations to include blockIds as you see fit.


I get the wrong island?? Perhaps you are OPed, and have more than one schematic? The schematicName for the normal island will only come into play, if you do not have any of the specific schematic permission nodes for any of the other schematics (including the empty nether schematic, that is essentially an invalid overworld schematic).