This page is outdated and needs updating
Setting up the Nether-World.
For the setup with Multiverse you need also the Multiverse-NetherPortals plugin
When using Mutiverse, use the command: * /mv create skyworld_nether NETHER.
This will create your nether world special for the skyblock game. By default, when creating a Nether-Portal in the skyworld, the portal is looking for a netherworld called "skyworld_nether" hens the name I use.
Custom named Nether-World
You can give the nether any name you like but then you need to "link" the skyworld to your custom named netherworld.
This can be done with the commands from Multiverse-NetherPortals plugin:
* /mvnp link nether skyworld [your custom named world] and
* /mvnp link nether [your custom named world] skyworld.
You need to run both commands as linking goes only 1 way (and your players like to get back to their island too).
To go to the new created nether-world use the command:
* /mvtp skyworld_nether.
This is needed as you have to set the scale in the skyworld_nether.
Set the scaling
When in the skyworld_nether do the following command to set the scale right: * /mvm set scale 1.0.
The default scale is for the netherworld is 8.0 but when left it will make the return portal in mid air. (see pic below)
Restart the server after to let the scale take effect (or it wont work).
Using Multiworld (not recommended)
When using Multiworld, use the command: * /mw create skyworld_nether nether
After that you need to link the 2 worlds with: * /mw link skyword skyworld_nether * /mw link skyworld_nether
As there is limited information about this plugin I can't give you anything more then I can find. I'm not sure when linking the 2 worlds if it's 1 way or both ways. The other thing I cant find is how to set the scale from 8.0 to 1.0. As this is very important I can not recommend this option. (if anybody has this info plz message me here or at the forum).