Commands & Permissions
Commands in uSkyBlock is divided into 3 main categories * /island the main island-menu * /challenges completion of challenges * /usb which controls access to most admin/mod-commands
The first 2 will launch an inventory-based GUI, if invoked without arguments.
Common for all commands, when used without the UI, is tab-completion and the use of /usb help for displaying additional help.
/island or one of it's alternative /is, /sb or /skyblock
This is the main command, which will show a UI if invoked without arguments.
/challenge or one of it's alternative /challenges or /c
Displays current challenges, and supports completion of challenges.
This is a list of commands and their permissions
Command | Permission | Description
/island|is | usb.island.create | general island command
/is accept|reject | | accept/reject an invitation.
/is ban|unban <player> | usb.island.ban | ban/unban a player from your island.
/is biome|b <biome> | | change the biome of the island
/is create|c [schematic] | usb.island.create | create an island
/is home|h | usb.island.home | teleport to the island home
/is info [island] | | check your or anothers island info
/is invite <oplayer> | | invite a player to your island
/is kick|remove <player> | | remove a member from your island.
/is leave | | leave your party
/is level [island] | usb.island.level | check your or anothers island level
/is limits <player> | usb.island.limit | show the islands limits
/is lock|unlock | usb.island.lock | lock your island to non-party members.
/is log|l | usb.island.log | display log
/is makeleader|transfer <member> | usb.island.makeleader| transfer leadership to another member
/is party | usb.island.create | show party information
/is party info | | shows information about your party
/is party invites | | show pending invites
/is party uninvite <player> | | withdraw an invite
/is restart|reset [schematic] | usb.island.restart | delete your island and start a new one.
/is sethome|tpset | usb.island.sethome | set the island-home
/is setwarp|warpset | usb.island.setwarp | set your islands warp location
/is spawn | usb.island.spawn | teleports you to the skyblock spawn
/is togglewarp|tw | usb.island.togglewarp| enable/disable warping to your island.
/is top [page] | | display the top10 of islands
/is trust|untrust [player] | | trust/untrust a player to help on your island.
/is warp|w <island> | usb.island.warp | warp to another players island
/islandtalk|istalk|it | | talk to players on your island
/partytalk|ptalk|ptk | | talk to your island party
/usb | usb.admin | Ultimate SkyBlock Admin
/usb challenge|ch <player> | usb.mod.challenges | Manage challenges for a player
/usb ch <player> complete <challenge> | | completes the challenge for the player
/usb ch <player> rank <rank> | | complete all challenges in the rank
/usb ch <player> reset <challenge> | | resets the challenge for the player
/usb ch <player> resetall | | resets all challenges for the player
/usb config|c [config] | usb.admin.config | open GUI for config
/usb cooldown|cd | usb.admin.cooldown | Controls player-cooldowns
/usb cd clear|c <player> <command> | | clears the cooldown on a command (* = all)
/usb cd list|l [player] | | lists all the active cooldowns
/usb cd restart|r <player> | | restarts the cooldown on the command
/usb debug | usb.admin.debug | control debugging
/usb debug enable|disable | | toggle debug-logging
/usb debug flush | | flush current content of the logger to file.
/usb debug setlevel <level> | | set debug-level
/usb doc [format] | usb.admin.doc | saves documentation of the commands to a file
/usb fix-flatland [player] | usb.admin.remove | tries to fix the the area of flatland.
/usb flush | usb.admin.cache | flushes all caches to files
/usb goto <player> | usb.mod.goto | teleport to another players island
/usb import <format> | usb.admin.import | imports players and islands from other formats
/usb info <player> | | show player-information
/usb island|is | | manage islands
/usb is addmember|add <player> [island] | usb.admin.addmember | adds the player to the island
/usb is delete [leader] | usb.admin.delete | delete the island (removes the blocks)
/usb is ignore <player> | usb.admin.ignore | toggles the islands ignore status
/usb is info <player> | | print out info about the island
/usb is makeleader|transfer <leader> <oplayer> | usb.admin.makeleader | transfer leadership to another player
/usb is protect <player> | usb.mod.protect | protects the island
/usb is protectall | usb.admin.protectall | protects all islands (time consuming)
/usb is purge [leader] | usb.admin.purge | purges the island
/usb is register <player> | usb.admin.register | set a players island to your location
/usb is remove <player> | usb.admin.remove | removes the player from the island
/usb is setbiome [leader] <biome> | usb.admin.setbiome | sets the biome of the island
/usb jobs|j | | controls async jobs
/usb j stats|s | | show statistics
/usb lang|l <language> | usb.admin.lang | changes the language of the plugin, and reloads
/usb orphan | usb.admin.orphan | manage orphans
/usb orphan clear | | clear orphans
/usb orphan count | | count orphans
/usb orphan list | | list orphans
/usb perk | usb.admin.perk | shows perk-information
/usb perk list | | lists all perks
/usb perk player <player> | | shows a specific players perks
/usb purge <time-in-days> | usb.admin.purge | purges all abandoned islands
/usb reload | usb.admin.reload | reload configuration from file.
/usb topten | usb.mod.topten | manually update the top 10 list
/usb version|v | usb.admin.version | displays version information
/usb wg | usb.admin.wg | various WorldGuard utilities
/usb wg load | | load the region chunks
/usb wg refresh | | refreshes the chunks around the player
/usb wg unload | | load the region chunks
/usb wg update | | update the WG regions
This file can be obtained with the command /usb doc (with OP or when having the permission usb.admin.doc).
This is the old system to check for commands and permissions. This still works for a quick lookup while ingame.
If invoked with arguments (i.e. /is ?
) the below screendump is shown.
For player commands use /is ?
For admin and moderator commands use /usb
Note: The permission-nodes are only shown to OPed users.