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Coding Guidelines

The following coding guidelines must be followed for any contributions to uSkyBlock.


  • Whitespace: Always use spaces, not tabs (tab-stops/indentation may wary from IDE to IDE, spaces wont)
  • Scopes: Always use curly-braces in if-then-else or similar constructs.
  • Curly-braces: Belong to the line of the keyword, not on a separate line. We want lines to carry meaning, a curly carries no meaning on it's own.
  • Naming: Use the Java-naming-conventions, not the C# ones, meaning
  • CAPITALS: Denote constants (static final or enum).
  • UpperCamelCase: Denote classes (never variables)
  • lowerCamelCase: Denote variables, fields or methods. All IDEs can distinguish between the three, and methods will always have paranthesis at the end.
  • Don't use * imports - it makes merging much harder


public class MyClass {
  String myField;

  public MyClass() {

  public myMethodWithCamelCase(String myArg) {
    boolean myVariable = true;
    if (myVariable) {
    } else {
      myVariable = false;    // Any decent IDE will color this assignment different
      myField = "Something"; // From this one, so no need for this.myField or _myField or m_myField.